We Support our Firefighters
The Fire Department Sponsorship Program is a system created to raise funds every year for our fire departments in exchange for advertising for their sponsors.

Fire department benefits
- No upfront costs
- Generate an annual income every year
- Best sponsorship package on the market
- Serves as a space where you can create awareness for other fundraisers
- Serves as a communication platform for fire prevention & fire safety
- Don’t have to rely on an event to raise funds

how it works
We will create a landing page (website) for your fire department and provide up to 30 spots for sponsors to show their logo or ad linked to their website. We also have a “Fire Coupons” email subscription that boosts sales monthly for sponsors. All these marketing strategies are available EXCLUSIVELY for your sponsors.
This is a Marketing Investment for your sponsors.
Landing Page
This website is a communication platform for fire prevention & fire safety, as well as services for the community and the sponsor program.
Sponsorship Pack
You will receive a Sponsorship Package that will make it easy to sign up local sponsors in your community.
Fire Coupons
Once a month we will send the Fire Coupons to all our subscribers. This is available to all your sponsors for a small fee.
Your only responsibility is to set a goal and find sponsors. We do the rest!
Nothing – There is no upfront cost.
Here you won’t ask for money. You will present an opportunity to increase sales for your sponsors. They will be thankful that you approach them. Show them your sponsorship package (provided by us) and see how they smile.
Your fire department determines the prices, but our fundraising consultants will design a sponsorship package based on your goals, market value, and what has worked for others.
We do not take any portions of your profit, nor do we handle any of your money, ever. You simply send payment for our service once you raise the money.
If you cannot raise money for your organization, we will adjust our strategy. After that if you do not raise money to pay our services, you do not need to pay us, and we will assume that cost.
This is a yearly program. You can renew and keep working with us, and your chances of doubling the amount you raise last year are high. We will work with you to set up new goals.
We are doing all the heavy lifting for you, building the infrastructure, and having the developers and marketing team work together to have the best product/service for you. You are responsible for finding 30 sponsors, and we will guide you with this task.
This program is created to support local businesses. They will get the most value from this. If you have a big brands in your network, they can join the sponsorship program, too, but I would ask a bigger donation from them. 🙂